Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Academic Plan

After meeting with an advisor i came up with my academic plan. I will need to take allot of science classes that include: Chemistry 1 and 2, Organic Chem. 1 and 2, Anatomy and Physiology, and Physics. I really enjoy learning about these subjects, I believe that these classes won't be to hard for me. I love to learn about science and do experiments. I really want to be a chiropractor because I love telling people about being healthy and helping people out. I am getting to know allot about the body and how it works, what foods you need to eat when you get done with a work out and on a daily basis. This is one of the biggest reason why I want to be a chiropractor. I want to learn more about the body and the chemicals reactions that happen in the body. I will be majoring in Chiropractic. After Butler I plan on attending a four year school to finish up my pre-recs. and then going to Cleveland Chiropractic School.

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