Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Butler Resources

Some of the things that Damon needs to change is his partying and study habits. Partying could be a big part of college, but in reality you need to realize the real reason why your here, to learn and get an education. Even though Damon is trying hard in his classes and studying, he needs to work harder. Damon should consider limiting his partying time to weekends or maybe not partying at all until his grades are up. Damon could help himself out by finding some off campus help, or maybe even considering tutoring. Damon will never be able to be like his roommate and be able to fly through school with A's and B's without trying hard. Some of the resources available at Butler is the tutoring lab upstairs in the 600 building. This lab is open through most of the day and there is a regular tutor to help you in all subjects in school. There is also counseling on campus if Damon needs to talk about his drinking habits and maybe the issues he has with his parents. Damon could find quiet time to study in the library which is in the 600 building to concentrate without getting distracted.

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