Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Learning Profile

1. Some of the themes that stuck out to me this semester was the time management, coping with change, and reading. The time management stuck out to me because now that I am in college I really need to know how to mange my time wisely. With playing baseball I really need to focus on how I plan my schedule. I also have to make sure I am able to have school time and be able to study and get work done for the classes. Coping with change also stood out because there is a lot of change from high school to college. I have new classes, new friends, and a new lifestyle. All of this new stuff was really starting to stress me out. The third thing that I realized was "read", I didn't really like to read very much in high school, but I've learned I have to read.

2. I think some of my strengths as a learner is I can memorize a lot of things at once. I can retain a lot of information in my brain when I am studying. When I am in class I have to write down notes so that I remember, and then i can go back and study my notes to learn it better. I think that some of the things I could help a student learn coming into this class is learning how to get the blog going and how to use the my courses tab to get the homework assignments.

3. Some weaknesses I noticed I had was I can't concentrate very well when it comes to reading. I tend to just read the words, but not understand what is being said in the text. I know when we read something in class some of the other students can read what is to be read and tell you all about what happened. Me on the other had, I don't know what was said because it's hard for me to concentrate on what is being said. One task that seems to take up most of my time is studying. I know how to study I just need to be harder on myself. I need to have no distractions or I won't be able to study, like I would be able to if it was quite. I need to work on my time management, because I am a huge procrastinator and always struggle getting things done.

4. I know a big thing that has help me with this class is time management. I definitely have gotten better with managing my time. When i first started this class I didn't ever want to do the blogs. Even though this class helped me with my time management I still fall back into my old self. This last few weeks I have got many projects and papers done, but slacked off doing my blogs. This is why I am still doing some of them the day before its do. Coping with Change was another big thing that I learned in this class. We go through a lot of things switching from high school life to college life. The most important skill I learned was how to store things in my long term memory from my short term memory. This was able to help a lot when it came to studying for test.

5. The big things I thought were important to me were Coping with Change and Time Management. These were very important to me, because they were two things I needed most. i am not very good at managing my time. I need to be able to work studying into my schedule that involves baseball practice in the afternoon as well as baseball practice at 5:45 in the morning. Coping with Change was big to me because I wanted to be able to handle the differences and still be able to do well in school and everything else. The one thing that we did that I didn't think was that important was community service. Whether I do community service or not, it will not impact my grades in school. Community service is good to do don't get me wrong but if I don't do it, it will not affect my grades.

6. I thought the course was a very good course. In class we went through many discussions about each of the major topics. This was a plus in the class, I enjoyed coming to class and discussing with my peers about each topic. I don't think that anything should really be dropped from the class. Everything that we learned was good information for us to succeed as a student in college. I also don't think anything should be added, because then there my be to much information thrown at us to understand. This course was constructed very well and I am sure it will continue to be well constructed.

7. The three most important things you should do in this class to keep your sanity are, ask questions, be dedicated, and time management. Sometimes classes that do a lot of work can get boring or confusing. When going to class 2 days a week, you can ask the teacher questions, as well as ask your peers questions about the major topics. Make sure that you know everything that the teacher wants and expects. This is very crucial in this class because if you do not follow the instructions you will not succeed when you do your blog. When doing the blog, make sure you do a little bit each week so that you don't get behind. If you mange your time wisely then you will be able to get your work done in plenty of time.

8.I think that all of these topics can be incorporated into my life. Some of them more than the other but each topic is very important. I think that some of these topics are happening in my life right now or I have already done. I have already done some community service and academic planning but right now time management and academic honesty are working in my life now. I image that these and others will play a bigger part in my life as a get older. Time management will play a bigger role in my life when I get married and have kids, and work also. The skills that I have taken from this class will also help me in the future with dealing with new challenges that come my way.

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